True North Decision Looms
Written by Gem Bingol, PEC
Published: 09 January 2018—
Dear Supporter,
Last November, I wrote about a rezoning the Loudoun Board of Supervisors is considering for True North Data.
The proposal will be back up for a vote on Thursday, January 18.
In listening to citizen comments, there is a common theme: putting a data center at this site would industrialize an unspoiled area just south of the Greenway. It would destroy a globally rare natural ecosystem and the wetlands and trees that currently reduce runoff. It would also put our public drinking water supply at risk.
View of the property looking West/South (the cleared area at the top of the image is where the new high school, Academies of Loudoun, now sits). |
Unfortunately, if the Board meeting in December is any indication, here’s where we stand:
5 supervisors have indicated support for the data center rezoning:
- Ron Meyer (R-Broad Run)
- Kristen Umstattd (D-Leesburg)
- Matt Letourneau (R-Dulles)
- Susan Volpe (R-Algonkian)
- Koran Saines (D-Sterling)
4 supervisors have voiced opposition:
- Phyllis Randall (D-At Large)
- Ralph Buona (R-Ashburn)
- Tony Buffington (R-Blue Ridge)
- Geary Higgins (R-Catoctin)
One more ‘no’ vote is needed. Please contact your supervisor today.
Just a simple ‘I’m calling to ask Supervisor [name] to vote no on the True North Data Center proposal’ could help.
- By phone: 703-777-0204 (main office).
- By email: use our online advocacy letter >>
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Gem Bingol
Loudoun Field Representative
The Piedmont Environmental Council
More details:
– True North Data Center – Wrong Direction for Loudoun County
– Why True North Data is Worse Than Current Zoning
– Public Water Supply Protection & the Loudoun Transition Area