Warbler and Mimic Bonanza at Bles Park
Despite the threat of rain, a small group of birders led by Allison Gallo and Bryan Henson showed up at Bles Park for the monthly walk on September 17. And rain it did. Before we even got a third of the way through the walk, it started to rain and we cut the walk short.

Black-throated Green warbler.
Photo by Bryan Henson
But before the rain, the day started off great at the parking lot. While introducing ourselves, we spotted a Magnolia Warbler in a tree and off we went. We quickly found multiple Bay-breasted Warblers, Northern Parula and a Chestnut-sided Warbler actively foraging. After that flock dissipated, we headed to the small marshy area next to the parking lot. Besides the abundant goldenrod and wingstem, we found a Common Yellowthroat and quickly realized we were surrounded by mimics. Multiple Gray Catbirds, Brown Thrashers and Mockingbirds were calling and hopping around the shrubs surrounding the marshy area.
We found a Belted Kingfisher and a couple of Great Blue Herons in the main marsh, but our biggest excitement of the day came next. Heading down the trail, we spotted a Black-throated Green Warbler. Then as we looked around we realized we were surrounded by a flock of over 30 warblers and several other birds actively feeding. We had good looks at Magnolia, Black-throated Green and Bay-breasted Warblers, quick looks at a Canada Warbler and then fleeting looks at about 20 other warblers zipping through the trees. Included in the flock were two Philadelphia Vireos too!
So despite the short walk, we found 38 species of birds. The full list can be found in eBird at: https://ebird.org/checklist/S150101922.
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The post Warbler and Mimic Bonanza at Bles Park appeared first on Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy.