Volunteer Spotlight: Larry Meade

The Prothonotary Warbler is a spring migrant. Some of them breed along the Potomac River.
Photo by Larry Meade
Larry has been supporting and sharing his expertise with Loudoun Wildlife since 2011. He participates in bird counts and is a member of the Raven Loonatics Birdathon team. He co-leads bird walks and shares excellent nature photographs for us to use. Larry also leads one of our Butterfly Count teams at the Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship.
One of Larry’s favorite nature things is spring migration. He observes, “There is a sense of renewal in the air as everything turns green. Long absent butterflies and dragonflies suddenly appear in our local parks and nature reserves. The thing I really look forward to, though, is the return of the warblers. Watching their vibrant colors flash while listening to their intricate songs is like reuniting with old friends. Some stay to build nests and raise families while others are just passing through on their way north. It’s an exciting time of year!”
Many thanks to Larry Meade and to all our volunteers for helping make Loudoun a place where people and wildlife thrive together.
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