Junior Arborists Earn Their Certificates
Jenn Atkinson, ISA Certified Arborist, led a one-hour program for junior arborists on Saturday, June 8.

Jenn Atkinson with Mr. Stumpy.
Photo by Kim Strader
The program began with reading Tree Full of Wonder by Anna Smithers to learn why trees are important to us, what we use trees for and what we can do to protect them. Afterwards, with the help of Mr. Stumpy, Jenn talked about the life cycle of trees, what the parts of a tree are and how they help the tree grow. Mr. Stumpy, along with a sliced “tree cookie”, demonstrated how you can age the tree by counting it’s growth rings.
Jenn and the young participants had fun determining the age of a living tree by measuring its circumference, diving by 3.14 (Pi), and then multiplying the number by the growth rate for the tree species (shown in a chart) . The group determined that one of the oak trees near the Gatehouse may be close to 90 years old. Jenn pointed out that this method only gives a rough estimate of the tree age, and to know the true age you have to count the growth rings.
Everyone had a great time learning about trees and earned their Junior Arborist certificates. Jenn also provided everyone with a Leaf Bingo sheet to take home along with a pencil that participants can plant that will grow into a tree or a flower, depending on the pencil. She also sent parents home with the name of a book to help answer any of the budding arborists questions about trees: The Magic & Mystery of Trees by Claire McElfotrick.
The post Junior Arborists Earn Their Certificates appeared first on Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy.
The post Junior Arborists Earn Their Certificates appeared first on Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy.