Harrison Street Pollinator Meadow Project (2018 – present)

Monarch butterfly on Aster in meadow.
Photo by Michael Myers
The Harrison Street Pollinator Meadow is an ongoing habitat restoration project next to the W&OD Trail along Harrison Street in Leesburg. The project was created as a partnership between Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy, Friends of the Washington and Old Dominion Trail, Northern Virginia Regional Parks Authority with support and funding from the Leesburg Garden Club. Installation began in the fall of 2018 under the leadership of Ann Garvey. Volunteers planted 1358 native plants on 7,600 square feet. Additional plants were planted in 2019 for a total of 1519 plants comprised of 43 species.
Interpretive panels were installed in the meadow and unveiled with at a ceremony on October 28, 2020 with NOVA Parks, Leesburg Town Council and the Leesburg Garden Club.
Work on the meadow is now in maintenance mode. Volunteers periodically remove the non-native invasive plants that threaten the native plants. If you would like to help, please sign up to volunteer here.
For more information about the care of the Harrison Street Meadow, view the meadow development and management plan. The plan includes links to facts sheets about invasive plants identified in the meadow.

Clearing invasive weeds in February 2019.

Planting meadow in April 2019.

More invasives pulled in July 2021.
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The post Harrison Street Pollinator Meadow Project (2018 – present) appeared first on Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy.