Virginia Conservation Network
To build a powerful, diverse, and highly-coordinated conservation movement focused on protecting our Commonwealth’s natural resources.
To build a powerful, diverse, and highly-coordinated conservation movement focused on protecting our Commonwealth’s natural resources.
To conserve and restore West Virginia’s exceptional rivers and streams. We believe that clean water is the foundation of life, and that all people should respect and be able to enjoy clean West Virginia rivers and streams.
To work with the citizens of our nine-county region to conserve land, create high-quality communities, strengthen rural economies, celebrate historic resources, protect air and water quality, build smart transportation networks, promote sustainable energy choices, restore wildlife habitat, and improve people’s access to nature.
For the enjoyment of present and future hikers the PATC maintains and protects the National Appalachian Scenic Trail (AT) and its corridor lands, as well as maintaining over 900 miles of other trails and related facilities in the Mid-Atlantic region. The PATC educates its members and the public about their opportunities for outdoor recreation, and their responsibilities for cherishing and caring for our natural heritage. To foster these activities the PATC conducts a comprehensive publishing program, rents 42 cabins in rural areas for public use, and promotes a wide ranging hikes program in addition to its ambitious trail care program.
To protect the public’s right to clean water in our rivers and streams.
To preserve and protect the quality of life for all Jefferson County residents.
To inspire, motivate and engage people to protect, preserve and restore wildlife habitat.
To add to and sustain abundant, thriving natural places in our Virginia communities.
To protect the Blue Ridge Mountains from development and environmental deterioration.
© 2025 · Blue Ridge Conservation Alliance • network website powered by The Downstream Project