Father’s Day Walk at Bles Park Finds a Mississippi Kite

Eastern Kingbird
Photo by Michael Sciortino
Seventeen birders, led by Allison Gallo and Bryan Henson, enjoyed a wonderful, but windy Father’s Day walk at Bles Park. We found the highlight of the walk while lingering in the parking lot—a Mississippi Kite flying in the distant sky. It provided everyone with good looks and was even visible at the very end of the walk as we got back to the parking lot. The typical summer breeders were found during the walk including the ever beautiful Indigo Buntings. A Red-shouldered Hawk, a handful of Great Crested Flycatchers and an Eastern Kingbird posed as we stood by the edge of Potomac River. All told, we found 42 different species of birds, and we also saw a few species of dragonflies including several Blue Dashers and Eastern Pondhawks.
Scott Harris, Mer Mietzelfeld and Jane Yocom assisted with this most enjoyable walk.
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