Central Loudoun Christmas Bird Count 2019
by Joe Coleman
Compiler, Central Loudoun CBC
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Photo by Gerco Hoogeweg
While the 88 species found was a little below our average, we still had a lot of highlights:
- 124 participants, our second highest number
- 44,239 individual birds, among our highest
- A Peregrine Falcon, only the third seen in our 23 years
- A Merlin, which we find every couple of years
- A good number of Rusty Blackbirds in a large flock of blackbirds
- High counts of Bald Eagles (39), Common Ravens (49), Gadwalls (106), Ring-necked Ducks (373), Carolina Wrens (466), Brown Thrashers (5), Song Sparrows (750) and White-throated Sparrows (1676).
We also counted record numbers of five different woodpecker species – maybe because of all the dead Ash trees. We had an incredible 84 Red-headed Woodpeckers, more than 50 percent higher than any other count, as well as 441 Red-bellied Woodpeckers, 135 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, 239 Downy Woodpeckers and 102 Pileated Woodpeckers.
While Carolina Chickadee and Tufted Titmouse numbers were still down from our historical averages, they were up from our last couple years, a trend we
hope to see continue.
As is often the case, one of the count’s highlights wasn’t a bird but a Lion’s Mane fungi, found by the team in the Philomont area.
When it was all over, 35 of us enjoyed a great Tally Rally sharing stories about the day and enjoying a tasty and filling meal catered by Mama Lucci’s.
To see our totals and how they compare to our previous 22 years check out the Christmas Bird Count Data.
If you think you’d like to join us next year, put Monday, December 28, 2020 on your calendar for the 24th Central Loudoun CBC.
The post Central Loudoun Christmas Bird Count 2019 appeared first on Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy.
The post Central Loudoun Christmas Bird Count 2019 appeared first on Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy.