Celebrate Birds, Go Birding: Bird Walks and Events
To celebrate spring migration Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy sponsors a series of walks and other events in several of Loudoun’s richest natural areas. All of them, except for the Big Sit, require registration and start at 8:00 am.
For more information and to register, click on the links below. Registration opens two to four weeks prior to the event, depending on when logistics are finalized.
Saturday, April 23: Birding the Blue Ridge Center
Sunday, April 24: Birding by Ear: Tools and Resources
Friday, April 29: Beagle Club/Institute Farm, Aldie bird walk
Saturday, April 30: Broad Run Stream Valley Park bird walk
Sunday, May 1: Algonkian Regional Park bird walk
Wednesday, May 4: JK Black Oak Wildlife Sanctuary bird walk
Wednesday, May 11: Goodstone Inn bird walk
Saturday, May 14: Birding Banshee Reeks
Sunday, May 15: Birding Bles Park
Saturday, May 21. Sunrise to 4:00 pm: Big Sit at Morven Park. No registration necessary.
Sunday, May 22: Izaak Walton League bird walk

Cape May Warbler.
Photo by Michael Myers

Prothonotary Warbler.
Photo by Gerco Hoogeweg
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