Bluebird Monitoring
Lisa McKew, Volunteer Education Assistant for Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy’s Bluebird Monitoring program, gives an orientation to the program and the current trails we monitor in Loudoun County. She reviews bluebird habitat, lifecycle, diet, predators and population. Lisa’s presentation touches on other native birds that monitors might see while out on the trails. The information shared in this program is necessary for anyone interested in volunteering as a Bluebird Monitor.
We have over 50 public Bluebird Nestbox Trails throughout Loudoun County. Each trail consists of a team of Bluebird Monitors so that each person monitors one time per month mid-March through August. Each monitoring session takes about 1.5 hours. If you would like to join a team, complete the Nestbox Monitoring Registration form, and we will be in touch soon.
The post Bluebird Monitoring appeared first on Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy.
The post Bluebird Monitoring appeared first on Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy.