A Fine and Birdy Morning at Algonkian Park

Prothonotary Warbler.
Photo by Larry Meade
Led by Larry Meade and Carol Sottili, 18 birders came out to “Celebrate Birds” at Algonkian Park on May 8. We ended up seeing or hearing 64 bird species as we explored the park on a beautiful warm spring morning. We started with a quick look at a Ruby-throated Hummingbird and several Yellow-rumped Warblers. Soon after that we heard and saw a Black-throated Blue Warbler in the woods. As we walked along the river, we heard several elusive Warbling Vireos singing, and we finally got a decent look at one near the boat ramp.
Other highlights included a group of Red-breasted Mergansers hanging out at the mouth of Sugarland Run. We also saw a Spotted Sandpiper walking on logs next to the shore. Not far from there, a resplendent Prothonotary Warbler was singing up a storm and putting on a fine show for us. Orioles were a big hit as both Orchard and Baltimore Orioles were singing throughout the park. A non-avian highlight was a Black Rat Snake hanging on a tree trunk next to the trail. It was a fine and birdy morning.

Red-breasted Mergansers.
Photo by Larry Meade
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The post A Fine and Birdy Morning at Algonkian Park appeared first on Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy.